About Me

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I'm Brittany! I really love to write and express my thoughts, so I hope that all of you enjoy following my blog!Feel free to write me at my Google e-mail and share your ideas with me. After all, I believe that's an important element for any writer. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm Back!

Wow! I can't believe that it been so long since I've posted. I've just been so busy that it's crazy! Every time that I turn around, I'm writing a paper or having a test! I miss being able to write on here! Of course, I have to do it, so I might as well just get used to it! After all, if you want something, you have to work for it! I really believe that if you want something then you should do everything that you can to achieve it and never give up on your dreams. I want to do something that's my passion, so that's why I'm not gonna let anything stand in my way. I want to work in mass communications because I know that's what I'll be happy doing. Let me know what you're happy doing! I sure would love to hear from you!:)